Breakthrough Session

Free Masterclass on Healing from Unhealthy Relationships

Are you feeling lost in your relationships? Constantly wondering if it's you or the relationship that's the problem? Or maybe you're struggling to even get into a relationship, only to find yourself with people who can't commit or who you don't want to commit to.

Join me on Monday July 8th @10AM PST for a FREE 2 hour intensive masterclass where I'll guide you through the process of healing from past relationship patterns and reclaiming your authentic self.

Sign up for the Free Training

Heal Your Patterns,
Move Towards Love,
Skillfully Relate.

I'll help you rewire your relationship to relationships, so you can get out of your own way & live out your love. 


Heal Your Patterns,
Move Towards Love,
Skillfully Relate.

I'll help you rewire your relationship to relationships, so you can get out of your own way & live out your love. 


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Private & Couples tailored coaching sessions for deeply clarity & connection.

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Home-study & group programs to elevate your self-discovery and relationship skills.

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Start Making Changes Today

Don't leave your relationships to chance.

In today's modern, fast-paced world, with the increasing complexities of online dating, overworking, social stigma & decreasing intimacy, it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters in our connections. Too often, we find ourselves caught in a loop, repeating the same patterns and experiencing the same disappointments. It's time to break the cycle and take control of your relational journey. With the right guidance and tools, you can transform your relationships and create the fulfilling connections you've always desired. 

You've come to the right place if you're ready to:

Step out of theory and into real-life experience.

Transform your knowledge into actionable steps that empower you to navigate your relationships with confidence and clarity.

Understand your nervous systems role in relating.

Uncover the profound impact your nervous system has on your ability to connect and communicate.

Take a stand for your own standards, values & desires.

Embrace your worth and set healthy boundaries that honor your values and needs. 

Find your center amongst a sea of relating advice.

Navigate the overwhelming array of relationship advice with ease by connecting to your inner wisdom. 

Step one is being willing to admit when it's time for a real change...

I hope my story can help you wake up from any relational slumber you've fallen into. 😳👇

Confessions of a recovering avoidant, people-pleasing, relationship DUD...

I'll happily be the first to admit just how tricky relationships can be...

Navigating the delicate balance between meeting my own needs and those of others was a challenge that often left me feeling like I was falling short. But through my own journey of self-discovery and growth, I've learned valuable lessons that have transformed my approach to relationships. If you're curious about how I went from being a relationship dud to a relational alchemist, I invite you to learn more about me and my story.

Learn More About Me

Confessions of a recovering avoidant, people-pleasing, relationship DUD...

I'll happily be the first to admit just how tricky relationships can be...

Navigating the delicate balance between meeting my own needs and those of others was a challenge that often left me feeling like I was falling short. But through my own journey of self-discovery and growth, I've learned valuable lessons that have transformed my approach to relationships. If you're curious about how I went from being a relationship dud to a relational alchemist, I invite you to learn more about me and my story.

Learn More About Me

What My Clients & Students are Saying:

"Working with Travis revolutionized the way I perceive and nurture relationships—truly transformative!" 

- Martin Marino

"The incredible insights from The Relational Alchemy Method reshaped my approach to dating, leading me to genuine, meaningful connections."

- Bill Bayaud

"With Travis' guidance, I've experienced a relationship metamorphosis, turning conflicts into opportunities for intimacy."

- Susan Smith

“Travis was immensely helpful in helping me stop repeating the same negative relationship patterns that have been holding me back. I’m aware of and capable of being with my emotions to really understand where they're coming rather than numbing them with another relationship."

- David Head

"I’ve struggled with feelings of inadequacy stemming from childhood, which has affected all of my relationships. Now I have a much greater and compassionate understanding of myself and have re-written the narratives that have formed my life and relationships."

- Paul Elliot

"I started working with Travis because I had just come out of a traumatic breakup with a very avoidant partner, identified as anxiously attached, and was struggling emotionally. I also thought it might be valuable to work with a male coach as I usually work with women. Travis created a very safe space for us to do the work together, which focused on parts work to help me develop a more secure connection to myself and self-soothe/emotionally regulate. 

I am now better able to pause when I am triggered, to self reflect and regulate before responding to others, and to not be so hard on myself when I am at odds with others.

He helped me to cultivate an internal emotional world that, when I tap into it, can help me self-soothe and support myself, rather than abandoning myself in at attempt to get validation and approval from others."

- Sarah Joseph
See More Testimonials



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